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The time you put in

The time is we have is not a liability but is an asset.  I feel like time should not be looked at as wasted but time used in any manner is valuable by some means to someone.  If I choose to sit and stare at a ceiling for five hours straight, I do not feel like I wasted my time because that is what I decided to do.  I could obviously use that time for other means sure, but that time may have been valuable some other way.  If a billionaire did that, then the time would be seen differently than someone without financial assets.  I know that we should have to look and see that things are building blocks now more than I ever have in my life.  It is not about the day to day grind it is about making the piece of the pyramid a day at a time until you reach something.  I see that time is an asset because small strides do equal the bigger picture.  I was crazy to think things could evolve instantly because I was there or because I felt because I went to college things start to immediately fall