The time you put in

The time is we have is not a liability but is an asset.  I feel like time should not be looked at as wasted but time used in any manner is valuable by some means to someone.  If I choose to sit and stare at a ceiling for five hours straight, I do not feel like I wasted my time because that is what I decided to do.  I could obviously use that time for other means sure, but that time may have been valuable some other way.  If a billionaire did that, then the time would be seen differently than someone without financial assets.  I know that we should have to look and see that things are building blocks now more than I ever have in my life.  It is not about the day to day grind it is about making the piece of the pyramid a day at a time until you reach something.  I see that time is an asset because small strides do equal the bigger picture.  I was crazy to think things could evolve instantly because I was there or because I felt because I went to college things start to immediately fall into place.  It never occurred to me that time is something that builds.  That the value of that building process comes from the days you put in the work.  It is not about anything but doing what you can do today to be better than yesterday and not to focus too much on the more significant things because they grow from the days we place work as a priority.  It amazes me that it is just a collection of days that we accomplish something significant in our lives AND NOT A perfect version either we have to just get out there in the ugliest version possible.  I say place the worst foot forward and overtime that foot becomes better as we learn and grow.  The mountain is there in front of us we just have to climb it and build to be better.  I feel like a crazy person for not realizing that it can happen at different times in our lives and that growth comes from consistency and days of making yourself better.  It is not about the grand scheme at. First, it is the scheme.  I have rethought everything that I am really this is the best thing that has happened to me that I have to become something else and just do.  I can not wait for the perfect version of myself but place the ugly and unliked version of myself out there.  I felt like I was not enough, but I realize that we all feel like that sometimes.  That is why so many people connect with heroes in movies because of the incredible odds against them.  It is ok to suck and be horrible.  Just place yourself out in the world.


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