Decisions suck
When I first came back to this house, I did this n9t by my choice per se but by the decision of someone else which is not the best way to go about decisions all the time. The more significant decisions that impact you should be thought about on a personal level they have to be. No matter what happens in the grand scheme of things to everything around you decide for yourself. If you do not choose for yourself when you feel a loss of control, and you think a lack of power on your decisions. You feel like you have no will to continue if you don't make it your choice. Do what you have to do to make it your power. The worst thing to do is live someones else life, and then you lose who you are as a person. I feel you are not the person who you want to be. I say screw everyone else decisions and live on your own and make those mistakes and be proud of them. Nothing wrong about asking for advice but don't forget it's your choice your power. Everyone has an influence and an answer to what you should do in your life but do you. Live for you and then once you are ok to help others. Make sure you decide for yourself though because your friends family and various people in your life do not have to live your life, but you do. After everything is said and done can you do that?
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