Know Yourself

One thing that will lead to a life of happiness and infinite wealth is to know yourself.  That means accepting the fact that not everyone is going to like you and that is your responsibility to take.  The key to understanding yourself does not just include the things you want about yourself but the things you do not like as well.  I do not think you should focus on either too much, but have a healthy balance between the two.  The reason there should be a balance relates to the fact that not everything in our lives is incredible and not everything in our lives sucks.  When you know yourself, you can change your life when things suck and when you see that you are in a period of things sucking you can think of your good qualities to help you get through.  The critical aspect of who we are as people come from a harmony of what we do, say and think.  When all of those come together, there is an internal peace that happens, but when we all over the place there is an inner discomfort.  It’s amazing that humans bodies know when they are fake.  I find that any time there is discomfort it provides us with the opportunity to grow and that comes from an understanding of whom you are as a person.  The more that self-awareness happens, the less depressed and fake you will become.  There is a video that shows that people on social media may continuously be depressed by there own lives.  It is because a constant stream of joy for life is unrealistic.  The best stories from the life of the people come from the fact that people overcame the suck in their lives and got to know themselves.  When we a distracted by shiny things we can not always see who we really are but after taking time to either lose everything or introspect what starts to become a better person.  The best example of this is the Christmas story about Scrooge and how he had to introspect to see who he had become and then change that moving forward.  That is the keys to knowing yourself you get to learn what you like and don’t like and you get to separate the things you can from your life that sucks.  The understanding from within may also lead to you discovering your passion.


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