Hope is a funny thing

Hope indeed is a funny thing because it creates some motivation for you to do something.  I know with the hope I would be dead by now.  I use it as a tool to help me keep going through all the bs and all the tough times we have to face.  This is going to sound stupid, but I forgot the relevant part of hope is the execution aspect.  You can wish and hope till you are blue in the face, but it requires action to turn that hope into something.  I have to believe I am great and am capable of becoming better because that will not come from other people.  I think people should not always be rewarded every single time they do the right thing because when they go into the bigger world, there are no more celebrations everytime someone does something they are supposed to do.  The essential aspects here come from understanding that we are not perfect and our flaws my stand out sometimes more than I amazing talents.  That's why I say hope is funny.  You don't see anything ahead of you on the road of life sometimes, but you still grind because you hope it will lead to something.


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