Im ready

The funniest part of life comes from the fact that tv seems to be real to me sometimes. The strangest concepts all stand out to me as being essential and are always the most interesting.  The crazy thing about our lives is we are still doing many different things.  Tv ever stood out to me as an escape from a shitty situation I found myself.  The best things in life come from tv because the lessons are so much more connected to people as humans.  I was watching a show about doctors, and the one thing that made me cry the hardest was the concepts related to the connection one has with the colleagues they work.  The bests part of tv comes into the significant points compared to the facts that we can overcome anything, we all have problems,  love your family despite there flaws, challenges make us stronger and be; life in yourself.  The same concepts apply to any show out there.  If you watch SpongeBob, you can even clearly see the importance of believing in yourself and being the best at your craft.  The funny things in life still are going to happen, but it is essential to love what you do.  I always think about that part of the square pants show that “I’m Ready” he always says is not only reinforcement into him as a person, but also the strength to keep going despite what happens.  You can not hurt someone who naturally enjoys there life its like the person walks around with a bubble surrounding them and makes them damn near impervious to any outside threats.  That’s what I take away from SpongeBob is that he is a man whom no one can break down.  He still has his human-like qualities, but he takes time and appreciates everything in his life and truly enjoys life.  The point to which we get there can make us the same way.  I might just choose to say “I'm Ready” every morning if I can get to the level of happiness that man has.  The craziest aspects of our lives can be mapped out upon the span of any excellent tv show.  The actual shows we connect with the most are not just reality shows but also shows that show us part of ourselves.  The shows that create truth about things we have gone through and things we will go through.  Even the plays that have a happy ending are not produced out of a miracle it comes from the self-doubt the failures the moments of critical reevaluation, and the moments of love to create a happy ending.  When these shows get watched we get the problem of over attaching the characters to the actors who portray those roles because the acting is good but a; also because the person is still human.  I thought that emotions were a weakness for a long time in my life and I realized that they are one of my biggest strengths because they help me deal with myself.  When I get sad I cry, Happy I smile, and when I get mad I hold it in until one day the ulcer kills me, but I try to release that as well.


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