The secret

The secret to happiness and prosperity is the way you think about what your situation is in life.  The book the secret that I read is different because it talks about the law of attraction which is difficult to discuss.  The way I feel is that I attracted lousy things in my life I and wanted an opportunity to fix that.  I did not realize how many ways I tend to think negative thoughts until I started reading this book.  It is a fascinating concept that relates the two most important ideas about thinking and the concepts of how our world changes because of our thinking.  I need to recreate my brain and thinking from scratch.  I feel like we are programmed to a disposition to be negative or expect the worst possible things.  Fighting this natural response requires energy and a clear mind.  I did not like having feelings because I felt they made me weak, but the opposite is true they provide insight into how you are thinking.  Damn the number of negative things in mind is very overwhelming and the only way to fix it is through routine and consistency.  I know for a fact that it is not comfortable being in a position where you always are overthinking just empty your mind.  I have to learn I am not responsible for the world but I am accountable for the work I do.  I have to learn to let things go and grow.  I can no longer allow my mind to create obstacles that do not exist and live.  The key to happiness comes from the inside first then spreads outward to everyone else.  The truth is that I want to be a successful and different person.  I want to be like my father who I have always seen someone who can create anything.  I admire that aspect of everything he is as a person a hard worker.  Love in conjunction with that ability to work hard will overcome everything.  The hardest part is for me to believe it is very hard.  I can think it, but belief is so hard because I feel I do not deserve things but someone told I do.  I do believe that person. 


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