Through the Storm

 The importance of showing that emotion has grown more important to me.  I get saddened by the news so much I got to the point that I just say “figures” when I hear something wrong.  I know that it does not figure, but I feel as though it is a defense mechanism for the scanning and suffering that people go through.  The worst aspects of people get displayed every day, yes, but I can not ever forget the good qualities of people as well.  The best conditions of people come from the tv as well. Why do some people stand out while others don’t?  I was always amazed at that principle that some people are willing to die to become something, while others are not.  We almost celebrate people whom are free and do not follow the same rules that everyone else has to follow.  We place them on this pedestal, and we call them better than us because we are stuck in our ways, and we can not change because we have to follow the rules.  I am one of those support the rules type of people, but I always admired those people willing to stand out and break norms that are created by the society.  I believe that is why I l; look up to them so much.  I wish I could be as free as those people are within our society but I fall back in similar patterns when things become hard and only dig myself deeper into the hole I was already.  The point I feel there is not point out that some people are better than others but to acknowledge that we all have that same potential.  The best evidence of potential humans has our ability to create and build. The history of the world is not significant in all aspects honestly some pretty horrible times have passed and are still here, but I say with a high irony that good things have been created.  The tall buildings and long bridges that have closed not only gaps but also created an opportunity for more connections with other people in the world.  The importance of this and how it relates to potential comes from the many different minds that have created those magnificent structures.  The many kinds of people that came together to create the world anew during the time they have on the planet.  The focus and present problems we face can be overcome I believe through the potential we all have within ourselves.  I sometimes know possibility does not mean motion.  The best way I know to illustrate this concept comes from the point of superhero movies continuously make.  The hero has abilities or discovers there skills and has the potential to do something great but of course, they either lack the drive or confidence to do what is needed.  Where does this doubt come from I often ask myself as well? 


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