WHy Not do something

The doubt here is not an entertainment industry problem but a human problem.  The crazy thing is we actually know that we can do something great and have the ability to achieve something great but the doubt comes in our heads.  I know that is definitely true for me as well because when things and situations in our lives are going great, it never seems to matter what happens but when things suck we let the doubt come in.  That is indeed amazing that the thinking in our mind only have a negative impact on us when we are at our weakest.  It is almost a flood of ideas and concepts all come together in our heads.  I have happy thoughts and boom more happy thoughts, but let a negative one sneak in, and that’s all she wrote from the comfortable thinking I was having.  The problem with this is that when we are already doing it hits us that much harder.  The point of this comes back to the superheroes movies, where the hero has a little doubt and the floodgates open and he or she is not sure whether they will be able to come back from the low point.  Like real life, we reach a point in our lives that is a turning point in which we cant really trust anything that comes from ourselves, so we conclude outward.  In this superhero, movie guidance comes from an unlikely place or from the person that was there all along.  In real life, we find wisdom in unlikely places I feel like as well.  The truth of the matter is that we as people as flawed but it is those flaws that make us capable of becoming better.  I have to believe this or I say things like what was the point of this whole thing.  That’s why when the doubt hits I try to remember that everyone has it and it comes in waves, but the critical thing to remember is that there is always a chance for hope and change.  I say this with hesitation honestly because I have trouble believing this myself sometimes.  The internal conflict is going there forever within I feel like between the person I am versus the person I could be.  I want the truth about who I am to be known not only to me but to other people as well.  I want them to see me the way I believe I am not what they think I am.  I know this is crazy right those people wanting to be seen by there best qualities.  The funny thing is that I believe that is what everyone wants to be seen as.  


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