Belief In Something

In life, I definitely have times where I believe in other things and not necessarily myself.   I have had severe judgments because I forgot the most essential part of understanding who you are as a person and that is a belief in something.  We all have a set of rules and values that are unspoken that define who we are as people.  The key is to maintain those values and beliefs in spite of the backlash or hatred you may receive.  I can not say some ideas are the best for obvious reasons, but they define who we are either way.  One thing I would point out is that life is not consistent no matter how much we pretend it is.  There are things that we may perceive as black and white but may also be grey.  The practices of one group may not follow the other, but the crowds do support what they believe in.  When times become rough, then that belief will push you past the doubt and uncertainty.  When times are good that conviction will remind you to be humble and thankful.  I believe that people are all given an opportunity to decide what they want to be and what they are willing to do to get there.  Based on our life experiences we all choose different paths, but we are all lead to the same end.  That is not to show you that it is depressing it is quite the opposite, it shows you that in those dark moments we can come back from where we used to be.  The key is to always accept challenges to your belief and still stand strong despite what others may do or say.  The key is to grow in the understanding and allow it to develop as you do.  The belief of something may not necessarily change, but it might evolve into something else.  The reason why coming into contact with people who don't think or look like you always you to become better as a person.  It tends to change our perspective of other people if we look at them as sources of information and wisdom instead of the things we do not like.  The keys there is to be able to adapt and have empathy.


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