
You know the most exciting problem to have is not to fail enough.  That seems like a weird notion, but it allows you the most growth.  When I started to repeat similar patterns with no increase, I realized that any change should be better than what I am doing.  I read this book recently, and it showed me that sometimes you have to just start off with whatever you got and see what happens.  You have to start reading more, exercising, or business only to see yourself fail.  The way I have failed recently is repetitive mistakes and not learning from them.  The key is to learn from the failures and use them as a springboard into something better.  I have noticed that if you have been doing something for a long time with no results, it is sometimes better to try something else.  I learn that from failing to make real progress towards anything real or substantial.  The critical difference is that now that I am in a place of lower ability than I was before it makes the things in my life that much harder.  I see that failure is just part of building a stronger foundation.  Every time I come back into a place I do not want to be it allows me to grow in a way I may not have thought of before.  I see the value in changing my thinking and desires, and I see I can learn from the mistakes that other people have made in there lives as well.  So my solution to growing is to try as many things as possible and see what I can fail at.  To learn as much as possible and see what happens for the rest of my life.  To build myself up from a point I feel I should not be.  I had a wrong perception of what I thought things should be like as opposed to what they should actually be like.  I am learning that other people are in the same boat or are worse off than me.  Knowing that those people were able to use failures to make them better only can help me to get out of my own way and try something new.  I really do not know what will happen in my life, but I do know that I have to work as much as possible.


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