What to do?

When I first started the post-college job hunt, I realized man I don’t know what I want to do.  I took a minute and thought about everything I said I liked doing and realized it was all nonsense.  I really had my mind made up of fake principles I developed as a way of protecting myself from other people.  I really thought my life goal was to die in some heroic way and something spectacular and meaningful, but I see now that I do not know what I should do.  When you work for something a while and realize that you hate it, after makes it seem like you wasted your time investing in the venture.  The difference between broke and rich people is the amount of money but the mindset that they had.  I recently was looking at this book, and it said there is a difference between fame and recognition.  If you want to be famous, it is a more personal and selfish goal.  If you’re going to have the credit, it is nobler and requires effort related to others.  I thought at that point I wanted to be recognized, but really I just desire fame, and I did not know it until I looked at this book.  Understanding this does not mean I still do not want to help others, but it also does not help me either by having this desire.  The problem with wanting this is clearly related to some inadequacy in myself from the idea that I am not good enough and I know that know and can acknowledge it.  The need to find what to do still drives me right now.  I realize that doing many things can distract your focus and lead you really to accomplish nothing.  It is the equivalent of opening an ice cream parlor, a funeral home, a hotel, gym, and an airplane company.  I know some rich people have this, but that is after first focusing in on the specific area first then after that was successful using that knowledge to achieve other ideas.  I see spreading yourself all over the place is just doing random things and without that purpose, there is no success, because there is not something specific that you want to do.  The correct approach to fix this problem is to focus on one thing you care about and go all in.  Really commit to it and build upon it by learning as much about that industry as possible.  Using this premise allows people to see that you are passionate about it and do actually care about what you are talking about.


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