
Showing posts from December, 2017

Wow this crazy

I find that you just feel so much better when you can see what you want in your head and be able to obtain it.  The people we surround ourselves with are essential because they help our values change.  I am starting to see that the way we think is critical to whether or not we get what we want.  I know for a fact that I am a pleased person when the way I feel becomes the things I see.  I can create more with patience and consistency. It is also good to know what you want and see it because it will eliminate all doubt and fear.  I mean taking the time to create the situation and opportunity to succeed allows us to people to grow and become something else entirely.  I have to believe as well, and I am starting to do that as well.  I want so much and see so much.  I believe I can get so much as well.  That is the best lesson I learned is to be patient and to see that everything you put out in the world you will get back.  It is amazing h...

The secret

The secret to happiness and prosperity is the way you think about what your situation is in life.  The book the secret that I read is different because it talks about the law of attraction which is difficult to discuss.  The way I feel is that I attracted lousy things in my life I and wanted an opportunity to fix that.  I did not realize how many ways I tend to think negative thoughts until I started reading this book.  It is a fascinating concept that relates the two most important ideas about thinking and the concepts of how our world changes because of our thinking.  I need to recreate my brain and thinking from scratch.  I feel like we are programmed to a disposition to be negative or expect the worst possible things.  Fighting this natural response requires energy and a clear mind.  I did not like having feelings because I felt they made me weak, but the opposite is true they provide insight into how you are thinking.  Damn the number of...

Things are going to suck

I feel like telling anyone when they are younger they can do anything allows them to become great.  I also believe showing younger kids that they are not going to be great at everything initially is too high.  That's why people tell you to try many different things because you will not know what you will be good at until you try.  The lessons of your individual can lead to an unrealistic perception of the world when they find out that they are not unique, but they are definitely important.  If I had the opportunity to tell anything to my younger self already at the age, i am now I would say to him that Josh you are going to suck at some stuff and be good at some other stuff.  The most important point to make here is that the main point is that there are going to be times where you will question whether or not that is true.  I would also tell myself that the world doesn't care as much as you think and everything outside of ...

Stress and Anixety

I feel like at this point in my life I no longer have any climax left as far as excitement left.  The point of no return is the very complicated situation to be in.  I feel as though I am very far down that road right now.  Well, thats not entirely right about the to far gone thing but I think that way sometimes.  I know for a fact that the amount of stress and anxiety is overwhelming which is comparative to someone in the climax of there first stress-induced pain.  I would love to relax and take time for my self, but this is not that point yet.  I feel like I hear so much disappointment that I almost forgot what success and happiness feel like.  I know for a fact that I have lost a lot of time and relationships because of the anxiety and stress which does make you more guarded.  When you become guarded you tend to close yourself off from the world and simple things you used to do become way more complicated because...

Hope is a funny thing

Hope indeed is a funny thing because it creates some motivation for you to do something.  I know with the hope I would be dead by now.  I use it as a tool to help me keep going through all the bs and all the tough times we have to face.  This is going to sound stupid, but I forgot the relevant part of hope is the execution aspect.  You can wish and hope till you are blue in the face, but it requires action to turn that hope into something.  I have to believe I am great and am capable of becoming better because that will not come from other people.  I think people should not always be rewarded every single time they do the right thing because when they go into the bigger world, there are no more celebrations everytime someone does something they are supposed to do.  The essential aspects here come from understanding that we are not perfect and our flaws my stand out sometimes more than I amazing talents.  That's why I say hope is funny.  Yo...

Most Times Dreamed

If I had to be honest one thing I do is live inside my head a lot.  Most times I am off dreaming and believing in something grand and adventurous within my mind.  I am differently not grounded in reality most of the time.  I can apparently focus when I am with someone or talking to someone, but I do believe in something more significant most time.  I have already written my post about being stuck, but I definitely feel as though I want to change some things about my current situation.  I tend to watch many different videos regarding different motivational factors including the why do we fall video on youtube and I cry all the time because I like the rocky speech.  I know that I am worth a lot more than what I am currently presenting and it fucking sucks it terrible.  I do believe my dreams are placing me in a situation I can not escape that is filled with disappointment and frustration.  I can say that cha...

I live in the past most days

The part of Joshua is that I'm twenty percent present.  The harder I like something now the more I live in the past.  I can not move forward sometimes because of this immobilizing history and the weight physically and mentally is placed on me.  When you always recollect times your regrets in life, you walk around with an influence on your body, and no matter how you look on the outside the worse you feel on the inside.  It's like playing a scratched cd you are always in a loop in your head.  No matter how far I progress, I am still that past Josh as well as the present version of my self.  This is incredibly hypocritical of me and very insane.  Insanity is repeating the same things and expecting different results.  I keep living n the past but it damn sure does not help my present self at all.  I feel that until I let go I will never be able to take the risk because in the past it hurt.  Be ready to learn all I can because in the past I ...

stuck in ways

I realize through watching my family that there are some patterns that people can fall into like the ones I have developed, and they can become accustomed to being a certain way.  The best aspects of humanity are the ability to adapt to the surroundings they are in.  The analogy I heard from a youtube video referenced a lobster changing because its shell got too small for its growing body and the lack of comfort causes the lobster to change the shell it is currently within.  The truth of this is important to point out that the key changes come from the discomfort that we feel.  The evolution of the pain tends to grow and evoke people to a certain extent and make them different.  The ole survival of the fittest no longer applies I feel like because of the survival is marked by others ability to make each fit.  I do not want to adopt certain principles of constantly complaining and also creating the doubt by reliving ...


The most significant challenge I face is to overcome myself.  I have a desire to inspire to be beyond the examples they have seen.  I meet myself every day and I do not always like what I know but I do remember that we are amazing creatures that are all powerful and can not be limited by the frames that we are placed into.  I really have the notion that what I want to do is inspire others to be everything they are and everything they can be because I am not everything I can be until I reach this point.  I believe I was smart until I wasn't I think I was tall until I wasn't.  The fundamental difference between myself and others is that I know I am in a place of darkness right now and cannot always see the light but I can not give up.  My friend killed him, self and that in itself reminds me of how much he meant to all the lives he affected including mine.  He was a much better man than me and stronger too, but I can not fai...

Where does it begin

I thought that things would magically fall into place at a certain point in my life, but it did not.  I don't know where this illusion came from, but I do know that it can't continue. What people like myself tend to overestimate is the quality of people and what they can and can't do.  I place my faith in people so much not causes me confused and angry and self-hatred.  You can only take the blame for everything for so long before it drives you crazy.  I feel like I always made excuses for other people because I thought that what I was a person that I was helping the people in my life but all you do is end up hurting them instead. The people in our lives need that check just like you do.  Pretending something is your fault or creating excuses causes them to repeat behaviors because they believe it is acceptable to you.  The key to anything to stand up for something.  I know that bridges are going to burn, but I learned those connections were never c...

Best things to do

The best things we can do is get out of own way.  I do this shit all the time I start freaking out, and then I self-sabotage every time.  Then the cycle continues creating bad habits in its wake.  I promise myself to stop this next year for real I'm tired of making the same mistakes and thinking it will be different. I'm done with this bull shit man I am going to change everything.  I can't keep this self-mutilation of bad habits continue.  I feel the importance of mistakes is actually to learn from them.  I mean come on Josh I see people around doing the same thing you get comfortable and lose focus on what's important than progress stops.  Always be moving somewhere don't waste time with dumb things that don't help advance and refocus yourself on real.  This life thing is still so crazy. 

Decisions suck

When I first came back to this house, I did this n9t by my choice per se but by the decision of someone else which is not the best way to go about decisions all the time.  The more significant decisions that impact you should be thought about on a personal level they have to be.  No matter what happens in the grand scheme of things to everything around you decide for yourself.  If you do not choose for yourself when you feel a loss of control, and you think a lack of power on your decisions. You feel like you have no will to continue if you don't make it your choice.  Do what you have to do to make it your power. The worst thing to do is live someones else life, and then you lose who you are as a person.  I feel you are not the person who you want to be.  I say screw everyone else decisions and live on your own and make those mistakes and be proud of them.  Nothing wrong about asking for advice but don't forget it's your choice your power. Everyone ...

WHy Not do something

The doubt here is not an entertainment industry problem but a human problem.  The crazy thing is we actually know that we can do something great and have the ability to achieve something great but the doubt comes in our heads.  I know that is definitely true for me as well because when things and situations in our lives are going great, it never seems to matter what happens but when things suck we let the doubt come in.  That is indeed amazing that the thinking in our mind only have a negative impact on us when we are at our weakest.  It is almost a flood of ideas and concepts all come together in our heads.  I have happy thoughts and boom more happy thoughts, but let a negative one sneak in, and that’s all she wrote from the comfortable thinking I was having.  The problem with this is that when we are already doing it hits us that much harder.  The point of this comes back to the superheroes movies, where the hero has a little doubt and the floodgate...

Through the Storm

 The importance of showing that emotion has grown more important to me.  I get saddened by the news so much I got to the point that I just say “figures” when I hear something wrong.  I know that it does not figure, but I feel as though it is a defense mechanism for the scanning and suffering that people go through.  The worst aspects of people get displayed every day, yes, but I can not ever forget the good qualities of people as well.  The best conditions of people come from the tv as well. Why do some people stand out while others don’t?  I was always amazed at that principle that some people are willing to die to become something, while others are not.  We almost celebrate people whom are free and do not follow the same rules that everyone else has to follow.  We place them on this pedestal, and we call them better than us because we are stuck in our ways, and we can not change because we have to follow the rules.  I am one of those supp...

Im ready

The funniest part of life comes from the fact that tv seems to be real to me sometimes. The strangest concepts all stand out to me as being essential and are always the most interesting.  The crazy thing about our lives is we are still doing many different things.  Tv ever stood out to me as an escape from a shitty situation I found myself.  The best things in life come from tv because the lessons are so much more connected to people as humans.  I was watching a show about doctors, and the one thing that made me cry the hardest was the concepts related to the connection one has with the colleagues they work.  The bests part of tv comes into the significant points compared to the facts that we can overcome anything, we all have problems,  love your family despite there flaws, challenges make us stronger and be; life in yourself.  The same concepts apply to any show out there.  If you watch SpongeBob, you can even clearly see the importance of bel...

WHy the hell

Today is full of opportunity and hope from a guy that does not have the choice to have any say or any real guidance for what I am doing. The most significant failures of my life I associate closely with the simple fact that I am to blame for everything.  I am scared of many different things for change to driving to deep sea to heights all types of stuff, and that fear of the unknown creates panic within me, and I can not live a peaceful life it actually becomes one full of anxiety and discomfort be within myself as a person. Maybe no one relates to this but I can honestly say its like waking up with a weight on your shoulders every day, and it creates a lot of stress and constant panic.  It would be more comfortable away from all of this, and we would all be pleased.  I feel pressure not to fail always and that I am not doing enough which in turn makes me feel overwhelmed and actually causes me to do nothing and freeze up when the world is pouring...