
Showing posts from January, 2018

What to do?

When I first started the post-college job hunt, I realized man I don’t know what I want to do.  I took a minute and thought about everything I said I liked doing and realized it was all nonsense.  I really had my mind made up of fake principles I developed as a way of protecting myself from other people.  I really thought my life goal was to die in some heroic way and something spectacular and meaningful, but I see now that I do not know what I should do.  When you work for something a while and realize that you hate it, after makes it seem like you wasted your time investing in the venture.  The difference between broke and rich people is the amount of money but the mindset that they had.  I recently was looking at this book, and it said there is a difference between fame and recognition.  If you want to be famous, it is a more personal and selfish goal.  If you’re going to have the credit, it is nobler and requires effort rel...

What Is Life Raise?

Raise Life To The Next Level Life Raise is a principle that defines who I want to become.  I have a goal now to learn as much as possible and adapt those habits of people I want to become.  The Life raise is also a premise that started because I hated myself and was not happy.  I know that is not a great premise to start something, but it has to lead me to an understanding that I can change what I am.  I have trolled around most of my life meaninglessly without any real purpose or focus.  SOme things like school were accessible to me, so I did not focus on it much and still was able to do good.  I also do not know what my real end goal is yet and do not have a real five-year plan at all.  I know that I want to write as much as possible to get some understanding of my own thoughts.  That is the truth behind Life Raise, and it did not have significant beginnings, but it will have a high end.  It is os vital to me that the Life R...


Raise Life To The Next Level You know the most exciting problem to have is not to fail enough.  That seems like a weird notion, but it allows you the most growth.  When I started to repeat similar patterns with no increase, I realized that any change should be better than what I am doing.  I read this book recently, and it showed me that sometimes you have to just start off with whatever you got and see what happens.  You have to start reading more, exercising, or business only to see yourself fail.  The way I have failed recently is repetitive mistakes and not learning from them.  The key is to learn from the failures and use them as a springboard into something better.  I have noticed that if you have been doing something for a long time with no results, it is sometimes better to try something else.  I learn that from failing to make real progress towards anything real or substantial.  The critical dif...


Raise Life To The Next Level I have been reading more books, and I have been learning as much as I can about the subject I care most about improving myself.  I understand now that improving yourself first leads to the ability to help others as well.  If you give advice without action, you are a hypocrite, and the opposite is exact as well.  The focusing on yourself too much is also wrong, but self-improvement allows you to recenter and adjust your priorities.  I have to be honest with myself first, and then I will become a better person.  I have always wanted everyone to like me so I held my tongue and avoided certain confrontational situations because I assumed that if everyone loved you that your life would become more comfortable hell no.  You have to be honest with yourself because it makes you a whole person with real values that don’t falter everytime you get Challenged.  I see now that I have to work on building be...

Belief In Something

Raise Life To The Next Level In life, I definitely have times where I believe in other things and not necessarily myself.   I have had severe judgments because I forgot the most essential part of understanding who you are as a person and that is a belief in something.  We all have a set of rules and values that are unspoken that define who we are as people.  The key is to maintain those values and beliefs in spite of the backlash or hatred you may receive.  I can not say some ideas are the best for obvious reasons, but they define who we are either way.  One thing I would point out is that life is not consistent no matter how much we pretend it is.  There are things that we may perceive as black and white but may also be grey.  The practices of one group may not follow the other, but the crowds do support what they believe in.  When times become rough, then that belief will push you past the doubt and uncertainty.  ...

Know Yourself

Come Check Out Life Raise Shop One thing that will lead to a life of happiness and infinite wealth is to know yourself.  That means accepting the fact that not everyone is going to like you and that is your responsibility to take.  The key to understanding yourself does not just include the things you want about yourself but the things you do not like as well.  I do not think you should focus on either too much, but have a healthy balance between the two.  The reason there should be a balance relates to the fact that not everything in our lives is incredible and not everything in our lives sucks.  When you know yourself, you can change your life when things suck and when you see that you are in a period of things sucking you can think of your good qualities to help you get through.  The critical aspect of who we are as people come from a harmony of what we do, say and think.  When all of those come together, there is an internal peace tha...


                                               Come Check Out The Life Raise Shop I have learned a lot in my life I just did not realize that I had learned it.  I have seen things many people have not seen and been places I many people have not been to.  I say this to illustrate the simple point that I am responsible for all of that happening.  I read this book recently that states that we have to take responsibility for everything in our lives to be able to change it and that is very true.  I have started to take responsibility for what I am doing today.  The premise behind taking responsibility just means that I actually control what happens to me in my life.  The truth is after seeing the insight the book gave me I start to understand that evil relationship and being broke are my responsibility as well.  Me ch...


                                                             Check Out Life Raise Store The light at the end of your tunnel is a purpose.  It is the thing people spend their whole lives trying to find, and even the richest still have to see.  You can have everything and still have nothing.  I know for a fact I have never made over 25,000 a year even making less than 10,000, and I was not happy because I did not have a purpose in my life.  The people in the world who have everything really focus on making sure they are healthy and making sure they have love in their lives.  I was watching this video, and the actor said something about not being able to take wealth with you, but at the end of your life the wealth and family connections are going to be the things that push you into being a better p...


Image A family is a funny thing because they can lead to your most significant accomplishments and sometimes unintentionally your downfall.  The strength to help yourself and your family have motivated people for centuries.  The inability to see the things you do wrong can be shown to you by your family because typically they know you better than anyone else.  The actual point of the family comes from understanding that as we grow and we learn we may either gain perspective on our family for seeing what our family is doing to stop themselves.  The people in our lives sometimes can be hurtful to us as people.  The people closest to you can do the more harm than anyone else.  The truth is that we are not all perfect and that is always and knowledge came from our family, but we also have their good qualities as well.  I see members of my family differently as I got older I started to see who th...


Commitment is definitely something that is not easy to do because you do not see results until some time has passed.  The equivalent would be digging a hole in the ground, and you start off by just breaking the ground.  The initial results are barely anything because you are using a shovel that is small and it seems like you are not making any real progress, but if you look down and continue to dig by the time you look back up you are pretty far down.   I feel that this concept has been right to anything I have given up on in my life including but not limited to the things I have done kind of well.  It is so hard because we do not see the other side of the progress we have made until later on.  We could have climbed up a mountain, and we keep looking at how far we have to go it can feel like you have not even moved at all.  The importance of commitment comes into play when we continue the same actions day ...


The complicated thing I have realized about relationships is that they are great for you and that they can help and hurt you.  Don't get me wrong everyone needs a good relationship with someone and we can not always choose who we are in relationships with like our family relationships, but when we can we should make good choices.  One thing I can say is that I did not always appreciate or value the relationships I had because they were on a surface level and when the time comes to really rely on each other the people tend to falter because the links were not that strong, to begin with.  I have learned that the more open the connections are, the more people tend to connect with each other because they feel comfortable with the people around them.  The truth is that it is hard to build a one-way relationship that lasts.  You have to decide to place effort into it like anything else.  I know a lot of bad links as well, and ...

Set Backs

The funny thing about life is that it seems as though things are starting to look up sometimes you get a kick in the groin talking about how you really are that high yet.  It is always either an environment or a negative thought that will make you take a step back and be like we all not as ok as we thought.  When that happens, we are forced to reevaluate ourselves.  When that happens, we end up with more significant problems than we started out with because we add another level of pain.  The truth is that we have to look at ourselves at any level of success we achieve and decide who will be and who we are currently.  I have been doing this reflection recently, and it has come to my attention that it is essential to make sure you remember who you are as a person.  I have felt lost on many occasions, and when this happens, I tend to destroy the only thing I can see myself.  Lately, I have been doing this on a bad diet and not driving.  It is ...

Share Your Story

I feel like when I started this blog I used it as a way to relieve some of the ideas that were stuck inside my head and release them on the world.  When the dynamics change, and we start to see that we are capable of growing, we tend to begin to grow and become something else entirely.  The truth is I use this as a way to release some of the pressure that is built up within my head of the day to day things that I am not always happy with.  I wanted an avenue where I could be placed in a circle and share my story and thinking with others in a way to help connect myself with other people.  One thing I can promise you when you start to get real and I mean to have integrity with yourself it will show out to the world.  So that’s why I recommend that people tell their story.  I feel as though stories are a way for all people to connect with each other and to grow as individuals.  When we get our message out into the world, it changes our own per...

When things go well

There are no systems for what each person has within themselves and the ability to create the system that we have. The most important idea for understanding that the people are capable of becoming something better and that when we succeed it is easy to feel good.  When things are going well, it is easy to see the world as excellent and not make mistakes.  When times are hard, it becomes the specific challenge indeed.  The truth is that when things go well, they do not last if we are not discovering who we are and creating better versions of ourselves.  That is the same reason someone who wins a lot of money does not keep it because they were not ready to receive that opportunity.  You do not have to have anything to be prepared for that thing to happen.  I can clearly see that I want to achieve something great and I m willing to do what it takes to get there.  I am no going through a significant period of my life on the outside of m...

Pespective Matters

It is incredibly easy to see something as a roadblock in your life and just be shut down completely.  I had this happen recently with losing my apartment and job and having to reevaluate everything.  I know for a fact that I am definitely stuck in the loop of thinking negatively about this situation but that does not have to be the case.  I want to change my perspective and just take time to learn and grow that way my foundation is stronger.  One thing I can admit is that I never had a strong foundation I was living month to month on weak principles.  There is no structure in my life, and I need to grow to become better.  I thought to throw money at everything was a way to solve a problem, but it just stalled the problem until I ran out of money.  We have to deal with ourselves at some point in our lives and to do that we have to change our perspective.  I definitely can agree that this is a lower point in my life, but it has...

Focus on it

I have read the secret, and I see now that we have to focus and believe in anything we want and we will receive it.  This principle also shows the importance of feelings as well.  When you are connected with what you want it appears to you.  The concepts of time and shape disappear because they no longer matter.  I see now that what we want has to be focused on with all our intention because that allows it to be drawn to you.  The ability to have something gained does not come from the place you expect but the choice of the belief that it can happen because it can.  I have learned there are no limitations to what you can achieve when you place your mind into it.  The truth comes from understanding that our thoughts are powerful and what we think we can do we will do.  So the key is to focus your mind entirely not to focus on the negative but the positive.  The way I see myself is different as well.  I feel connected to another layer o...

What is your inside self want

I always have wanted to make people feel comfortable and the same feeling of just relaxed bliss.  I have always wanted to do that I misinterpreted my understanding of what that was but I enjoy when people are comfortable.  I know for a fact that I love the comfort of a grand hotel room and a great movie-going experience.  Also a great meal and great massage.  All of these help to make people feel amazing.  I now understand that the secret to real comfort comes from the ability to make yourself comfortable first.  What makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.  I want to propose a place like a resort for people to explore healthily and relax and be free.  I know for a fact it can be understood that it can be easy to accomplish and that can help to make me more relaxed and comfortable. Thanks for the people who have enjoyed my blogs so far this is the best idea I have had because it allows me to have a clarity I have never had before.  It is not ...

The time you put in

The time is we have is not a liability but is an asset.  I feel like time should not be looked at as wasted but time used in any manner is valuable by some means to someone.  If I choose to sit and stare at a ceiling for five hours straight, I do not feel like I wasted my time because that is what I decided to do.  I could obviously use that time for other means sure, but that time may have been valuable some other way.  If a billionaire did that, then the time would be seen differently than someone without financial assets.  I know that we should have to look and see that things are building blocks now more than I ever have in my life.  It is not about the day to day grind it is about making the piece of the pyramid a day at a time until you reach something.  I see that time is an asset because small strides do equal the bigger picture.  I was crazy to think things could evolve instantly because I was the...